Here is a List of  Reasons to Use an Agent When Buying or Selling Your Home

  • Listing Agents know how to price houses.

  • Listing Agents know what local buyers are looking for.

  • Listing Agents are Pro Marketers

  • Listing Agents can list you on the MLS.

  • Listing Agents have a strong network of contacts.

  • You can usually sell for more money.

  • Listing Agents have Errors and Omissions Insurance

  • Listing Agents can handle the paperwork and make life easier.


  • No out of Pocket Costs

  • You find the right house faster.

  • You can get a professional second opinion.

  • Your offer will be more competitive.

  • You  can connect with other real estate professionals.

  • Your deal is less likely to fall through.

Team steve

A  Few Pictures of Houses Sold

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22032 San Joaquin Drive W

Canyon Lake, CA  92587